
steps to reduce weight

Easy Way To Reduce Weight

Have you been trying to lose weight ?
Whenever I ask this question to any overweight person the answer is ‘Yes’ but it does not happen. Then I ask, why it does not happen?Here are the easy steps that can have you on your way to losing weight fast and they involve no diet medicine, craving suppressants or extreme fat diets.

Things to be followed everyday : 
Moderate exercise: Wake up early in the morning, freshen up and go for a 15minutes’ walk in the recreational area. Increase the duration with each passing day. Walking shortly after lunch and dinner will also help you lose weight.

Eat Breakfast: Make sure that you don’t skip your breakfast. By starting your day with breakfast you will have managed hunger throughout the day. It helps to evenly spread your hunger and manages your enthusiasm. It has been found that people who have healthy and regular breakfast stand brighter chances to lose weight.

Drink Lots of Water:  Make sure that you drink enough water in accordance with your weight. Water is a very important factor in a weight reduction program. Consumption of water cleanses the toxins from the body in the form of urine. Drink about 4 to 5 liters of water every day. A simple way to identify how many liters of water your body needs is to divide your weight by 20 and this will give you the number of liters of water to be consumed per day. 

Sleep on time: Avoid staying up late as you must at least get 8hours sleep for yourself and be fresh the following day .Also, eat two hours before heading to the bed.

Cut Calories: If your are trying to reduce weight at home then keeps track of your calorie intake. By following this method you need not starve yourself; rather just keep a check on calorie intake.
If you’re an adult with a sedentary lifestyle then you will need about 2,000 to 2,500 calories on a daily basis. To lose weight you need to cut-off 250 to 500 calories. This can be easily done by eating food that is low on calorie and high on proteins, vitamins and minerals. Vegetables, fruits and meat can be taken in balanced quantities.
1. Indulge in fat releasing foods: They should help keep you from feeling underprivileged and binging on higher-calorie foods. For instance:
  • Honey: Just 64 fat releasing calories in one tablespoon. Drizzle on fresh fruit.
  • Eggs: Just 70 calories in one hard-boiled egg, loaded with fat releasing protein. Sprinkle with chives for an even more elegant treat.
  • Part-skim ricotta cheese: Just 39 calories in one ounce of this food, packed with fat releasing calcium. Dollop over a bowl of fresh fruit for dessert.
  • Dark chocolate.:About 168 calories in a one-ounce square, but it’s packed with fat releasing fiber.
  • Shrimp: Just 60 calories in 12 large.
2.Green tea instead of coffee or tea:
Drinking a cup of hot green tea every morning on an empty stomach can cleanse the toxins in our body and reduce the problem of constipation. Green tea has low calories and starting our day with it instead of tea or coffee is very good for weight loss.

3. Hot water with lemon and honey:
Mixing a spoon of lime juice and half a spoon of honey with hot water and drinking it every day morning on empty stomach can help you reduce weight very easily.

4. Increase protein intake:
Protein is a muscle builder that can effectively reduce the fat in our body and also covert the loose fat into muscles. Increase the intake of protein and replace carbohydrates food with protein food.

5.Increase fiber intake:
Soluble fibers are a great source to reduce weight. Consuming foods that contain soluble fibers will shed the weight by reducing the bad cholesterol in the body.

6. Avoid junk food:
Want to reduce weight? Then avoid junk food. Junk foods like pizza, burgers, sausages, etc. do not contain nutritive values but only ‘fat’. Junk food is the single most important factor for putting on weight.

7.Eat five or six small meals or snacks a day instead of three large meals:
  A 1999 South African study found that when men ate parts of their morning meal at intervals over five hours, they consumed almost 30 percent fewer calories at lunch than when they ate a single breakfast. Other studies show that even if you eat the same number of calories distributed this way, your body releases less insulin, which keeps blood sugar steady and helps control hunger.

8.Avoid red meat:
Red meat is highly dangerous as it not only leads to obesity but also diseases like cancer, so avoid it at all costs.

9. Avoid these three white poisons- rice, sugar, salt:
You can avoid these three in your diet. They can’t be completely avoided but quantity of consumption of these can be controlled.

10.Prefer salads for juices:
Liquid foods like juices get digested quickly where as salads stay in your body for about 6 hrs. Consume salads instead of juices but do not add bananas, pine apple, jack fruit or any other calorie rich fruits in your salad.
Now, if you have observed, in the above points I have not mentioned about any radical weight loss techniques as they never work


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